Photo credit : Sarah Scott

Sophie Bienvenu

Writer | Screenwriter

Sophie Bienvenu is a Quebec writer and screenwriter who grew up in France. When she moved to Quebec in 2001, she practiced various jobs in the web, communication and journalism. Among his many accomplishments are several novels, including his highly successful Searching for Sam, a collection of poetry This is not Love and a comic strip Crossing the highway. A true “jack-of-all-trades”, she juggles several projects at the same time and enjoys exploring gray areas and social injustices. She gives numerous conferences in schools, CEGEPs and universities, all over Quebec and Europe.

For all questions relating to the audiovisual rights of Sophie Bienvenu’s novels, please contact Claude Girard : [email protected]


Searching for Sam

In development

Feature film (adaptation of her novel "Searching for Sam")
Production : Les Productrices Associées

Worst Case, We Get Married


Feature film, adaptation of her novel "Et au pire on se mariera"
Co-screenwriter with Léa Pool
Lyla Films


Première Mondiale et Compétition officielle - Festival du Film Francophone d’Angoulême, France, 2017
Sélection officielle - Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec (FCVQ), Canada, 2017
Canadian Cinema Series - Calgary International Film Festival, Canada, 2017
Gala Premieres - Zurich Film Festival, Suisse, 2017
True North - Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada, 2017
Regards du Présent - Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgique, 2017
Compétition internationale Adolescent - Carrousel International du Film de Rimouski, Canada, 2017
Mind the Gap / World Cinema - Mill Valley Film Festival, États-Unis, 2017
Section Voilà! Filmfest Hamburg, Allemagne, 2017
Focus Québec - Festival International du Film Francophone de Tübingen et Stuttgart, Allemagne, 2017


In development

TV series | Drama
Production : Zone 3

Dear Fatou (Chère Fatou) (working title)

In development

TV series | Dramatic comedy
Production : Wookey Films


Crossing the Highway (Traverser l’autoroute)


Graphic novel
Author | Illustrated by Julie Rocheleau
La Pastèque Editions


Liste préliminaire Prix des libraires 2020

The Princess Who Wanted to Become a General (La Princesse qui voulait devenir générale)


Children’s literature
Author | Illustrated by Camille Pomerlo
Les Éditions de La Bagnole


Official selection for the award "Prix Tamarac de la forêt de la lecture" 2019

Around Her (Autour d'elle)


Novel | Le Cheval d'août éditeur

Searching for Sam (Chercher Sam)


Novel | Le Cheval d’août éditeur

Worst Case, We Get Married (Et au pire on se mariera)


Éditions La Mèche, 2011/ Éditions Noir sur Blanc (Collection Notabilia), 2013


Arcades de Bologne Price - 2013
Runner up, Prix Littéraire des collégiens – 2013
Runner up, Prix des Lecteurs émergents - 2013
Preliminary list, Prix des libraires - 2013

A few hours before the end, or the potential of Juliette (Quelques heures avant la fin, ou le potentiel de Juliette)


Short story published in the collective "Nu"
Québec-Amérique Editions



Teen 13 shorts stories | Éditions de La Courte échelle



Short story | Tempus Fugit, Makuramis (Lyon, France)

Lucien le chien


Collection of stories | Éditions du Septentrion

Worst Case, We Get Married


Theatrical adaptation of her novel "Et au pire on se mariera"
Writer | Directed and adapted by Nicolas Gendron
Performed by Kim Despatis
Stage manager: Mélanie Primeau
Concept: Leticia Hamaoui, Joëlle Harbec & Joe Pelletier | Production: Exlibris